Priority Based Assignment

Priority Based Assignment

A priority-based assignment rule in Salesforce is a feature that automatically assigns cases to specific support teams or agents based on their priority level. This is particularly useful for businesses that receive a high volume of cases and need to ensure that the most important cases are handled promptly.

For example, a priority-based assignment rule may be set up so that any case with a high priority level is automatically assigned to the Tier 3 support team. This ensures that these cases receive immediate attention from the most experienced support agents, who are best equipped to handle complex issues.

With Sweep, setting up a priority-based assignment rule in Salesforce is as easy as a click of a button. By using our intuitive interface, you can quickly define the criteria for assigning cases based on their priority level and specify the support teams or agents who should handle them. Once the rule is in place, all incoming cases will be automatically routed to the appropriate team or agent, ensuring that your customers receive the best possible support experience.