Customize Salesforce Slack alerts, notifications and create deal rooms with Sweep.
Trusted by top Revenue leaders
Send actionable notifications with real-time Salesforce data
Keep the team informed of key pipeline events
Keep everyone informed in the channels they're already using
With Sweep, you can use Salesforce's Slack Integration to create automated messages to your teammates so everyone stays on the same page.
Keep cross-functional stakeholders up-to-date with Salesforce's Slack Integration and deliver custom notifications automatically.
Take full advantage of Salesforce's Slack Integration by sending alerts and notifications in channels your team is already using.
Automate deal room creation and updates based on key events like deal stage changes or competitor activity, give your team the power to stay aligned and focused
Stay organized and on-top of Salesforce automations with intuitive framework to view and manage configurations
Deploy your funnels quickly and safely from Sandbox to Production Test, all the while keeping a log of previous versions.
Assign anything - Automatically route any standard or custom object in Salesforce
Join us for a live action demo of Sweep and run through any questions you might have!