Here at Sweep, we're excited to be launching a new interview series highlighting people who said "hell no" to the status quo and established themselves as innovators in the Revenue Operations space. Some of these folks started in RevOps before it was a 'thing.' Others built teams with people from entirely different backgrounds or got creative with limited resources or adopted technology before it became popular. And some simply forged their own path forward.

In this post, we’re excited to feature Stacie Sussman, CRO of RevUp Advisory who reflects on her own journey into RevOps as well as her predictions for why specialized teams are the teams of the future.

Sweep: What initially brought you to the world of Revenue Operations?

Stacie: I spent nearly two decades in NYC as a seller, but my fascination with how things work goes back to childhood when I was obsessed with computers and understanding backend systems. Revenue Operations, to me, is the perfect intersection of transforming a business from both the inside and outside. My background in sales, marketing, research, and technology set me up as an ideal candidate for this role. However, it wasn’t until I spent the last six years in consulting that I truly saw how flawed our approach to scaling businesses can be. The traditional ways aren't effective anymore, and we need to rethink how we grow. I often reflect on how much more powerful I would have been if I had the knowledge then that I have now about RevOps when leading sales teams.

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Sweep: What is one "out of the box" idea you had while working in RevOps?

Stacie: Our proprietary Conveyor Belt Methodology is an innovative, out-of-the-box framework we’ve developed to scale B2B companies. It’s not just a step-by-step approach—it’s a way of diagnosing and solving deep-rooted operational and growth challenges. We laser in on the ‘gotta-fix-it-now’ problems, but we also look beneath the surface to uncover issues that could blindside you in the future.

For example, when working with a CMO and a Demand Generation team, we recognized that they had different learning styles—one preferred hands-on tinkering with systems, while the other was more efficient with demos and immediate replication. Using our methodology, we tailored our communication and implementation to their unique needs, ensuring both teams could operate effectively and scale their efforts. This approach transformed their operations, moving from chaos to smooth, scalable success.

Sweep: How would you describe your Revenue Operations philosophy?

Stacie: The way businesses are currently trying to scale simply isn’t working. You need a more holistic approach that aligns these structural elements to transform the business from the inside out. RevOps offers a smarter, more efficient path to sustained growth. I believe Revenue Operations is the key to maximizing a company's marketing and sales efforts by integrating them with systems and business operations. It’s not about tweaking one part—it’s about recognizing the invisible thread that connects brand awareness, systems, marketing, and sales throughout the business. We create a continuous feedback loop where commercial teams inform product, product teams inform commercial teams, and commercial teams inform finance, ensuring the growth engine runs smoothly.

Sweep: What was one tool or piece of technology you introduced to your team? How did you get buy-in? And what were the results?

Stacie: I always look for tools that can alleviate manual, time-consuming tasks and integrate seamlessly into our workflows. Recently, we adopted Gamma, a presentation and AI tool, based on a professional recommendation from one of our partners. Gamma has completely streamlined our pre-sale process, shaving hours off our presentation preparation time. The polished, media-quality proposals it produces have also elevated the professionalism of our client pitches. The immediate efficiency gains and the impressive quality of the output made it easy to get buy-in from the team.

Sweep: What do you think will be the next BIG thing in RevOps?

Stacie: I believe RevOps will evolve into a broader concept that marries business transformation with accelerated growth. In fact, it may not even be called RevOps in the near future because many still don’t fully understand the concept. But the demand for holistic, cross-functional strategies to drive sustainable growth will remain.

The days of large teams are over. The future is about lean, specialized teams—experts and technical ninjas—who can bring diverse skills to the table. While AI will enhance efficiency, it won’t replace the team model. It’s about eliminating waste and strategically leveraging resources. Whether internal or external, cloud-based teams bring valuable experience and multidimensional thinking, avoiding the tunnel vision that can come from working on one project alone.


Sweep: Where do you think RevOps will be in 5 years? And where do you think you’ll be in 5 years?

Stacie: This feels like a loaded question, given how rapidly RevOps is evolving in days and months, let alone years. But in five years, I believe RevOps will look very different—perhaps even operating under a new name as it continues to transform how businesses scale. It will become more deeply integrated with business transformation, blending strategy with technical execution.

As for me, in five years, my team at RevUp Advisory will be a consulting agency with the strategic acumen, real-world experience, and technical expertise to become a category leader in business growth. We’ll be known for transforming businesses by combining sharp insights with actionable execution.

Follow us on LinkedIn to see more stories from members of our RevOps community.

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